Sunday, August 28, 2011


The Saharawi Women express their strongest condemnation to the continous moroccan propaganda against the just struggle for peace and justice of the people of Western Sahara.
The moroccan goverment is always trying to confuse the international public opinion about what the United Nations Organization has called as a problem of decolonization of Western sahara due to the continuous illegal occupation of the moroccan troops of Western Sahara.
Saharawi Women totally support the official statement made by the Saharawi Government related to the last propaganda launched by the moroccan regime agains the peaceful people of Western Sahara and its sole representative: POLISARIO Front . The statement  was published by the Saharawi Press agency which says:
"The Sahrawi Government and the Polisario Front denied Friday categorically allegations that “about 556 mercenaries from the Polisario Front have been brought in to support Gaddafi troops, have been arrested by the guerrillas of the Transitional National Council,” as was reported Thursday by Moroccan news agency, in a statement issued by the Ministry of Information.

“The Government of the Sahrawi Republic and the Polisario Front deny categorically these lies, aimed at compromising the nobility of the cause of the Saharawi people and its just national struggle for freedom and self-determination, and confirm that the fighters of the brave Sahrawi People Liberation Army, did not and will not participate in any conflict outside the borders of the Sahrawi Republic and that their exclusive mission was and will remain the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Sahrawi Republic,” the statement said.

“The Kingdom of Morocco is seeking, through the dissemination of these lies, to distort the facts that are clearly known to the international public opinion and all governments that are closely following the developments of the conflict in Western Sahara and the situation in the Maghreb.”

“The whole world is aware that the Qaddafi regime has suspended all forms of support for the Saharawi people's struggle against Moroccan expansion since July 1982, and later signed with the Kingdom of Morocco the Convention of what is known as the Arab-African Unionin 1984.”

“The Rabat – Tripoli center engaged in the course of trading and bartering on the basis of multi-faceted Libyan support to Morocco with money and weapons in its expansionist war against the Sahrawi people. In contrast, the Kingdom of Morocco proceeded to hand over Libyan opponents refugees in Morocco, such as Colonel Mahiashi and his colleagues, track and follow up Libyan dissidents in Europeand the United States in addition to permanent efforts to puff Colonelin some capitals.”

“Since that date, Kingdom of Morocco and the Qaddafi regime did not spare of any effort to destroy the Sahrawi resistance militarily and diplomatically, especially on the African scene,” the statement added.

Finally the statement called for an urgent independent inquiry into these allegations which were reported by the Moroccan news agency.

It also invited the new Libyan authorities, represented by the Transitional National Council, to issue a denial urgently to the charges fabricated by the Moroccan occupier, for the benefit of the Libyan and Sahrawi peoples as well as all peoples of the region.

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