Sunday, July 24, 2011


The Women and the whole people from the Africa´s last colony: Western Sahara, want to express their total solidarity with the people of the peaceful Norway and reaffirm their strongest condemnation to the  the acts of terrorism perpetrated against the peace loving people of Norway on the sadest Friday´s, July 22nd 2011.
Saharawi Women express their most deepest and sincere condolences for the great loss of innocent lives mainly young peolpe from this scandinavian  country.
The Saharawi Women  condemn vigorously the vicious deadly attacks that targeted the norwegian government buildings and the peaceful Youth Camp at Utoeya, and we would like to extend the most heartfelt condolences and sympathy with the families of the victims of these criminal attacts and express its total solidarity with the whole Norwagian Women´s organizations and and also with the government and people of the peaceful Norway.
Sahrawi Women say to you that our hearts go out to the people of Norway and reaffirm our will on continuing struggling agains all kind of terrorisms and all the acts of the religious extremism.
We, the saharawi women, are convinced that the peace loving people of Norway will quickly overpass this difficult and painful moment and that it will defeat violence and the sowing of fear and terror among the innocent, the rationality will overcome insanity and love will, inevitably, overcome hatred and that justice will eventually prevail.
We are sure that the whole people of Norway will not be intimated by this mean act of terrorism, and will continue its undeterred advocacy for peace, freedom and prosperity for all the peoples of the world and mainly in their example of a democratic and solidarity country.

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