Sunday, March 9, 2014


The Saharawi Women as million of women all over the planet have conmemorated on March 8th the International Women’s Day not only those who are living in the occupied cities of Western Sahara but also in the Saharawi Refugee Camps and in the diaspora mainly in Europe.
March the 8th is the day to celebrate women’s achievements. It’s also a time to reflect on the status of women over the last one hundred years, on the progress that has been made and the rights, freedoms and dreams that remain unfulfilled for many women and girls. Through each generation, women have had more rights and opportunities than the last. Progress was only made possible thanks to generations of women who have fought for equality and change.
Saharawi Women conmemorate this important event organizing several events like our sisters in the occupied city of El-Aaiún whom gathered on a peaceful demonstrations demanding for a free and fair referéndum in Western Sahara and MINURSO (the UN peace-keeping misión) to monitor human rights and the implementations of United Nations´s resolutions.
 International Women’s Day is the day to celebrate women’s achievements. It’s also a time to reflect on the status of women over the last one hundred years, on the progress that has been made and the rights, freedoms and dreams that remain unfulfilled for many women and girls. Through each generation, women have had more rights and opportunities than the last. Progress was only made possible thanks to generations of women who have fought for equality and change.
Saharawi women condemn the brutal repression of the moroccan army and settlers against the peaceful people of Western Sahara and we make an urgent appeal to the international community, to the U.N., the African Unión d the Europan Parliament for the end of plundering of the saharawi natural resources and the condemnation of the great abusses of human rights.

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