Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Four women from Western Sahara have participated in the Fourth International Congress of Islamic Feminism which have just held in the spanish capital, Madrid, from October 21st to 24th.
The Saharawi Women´s delegation have activally taken part in all the different workshops and also could transmitted the message of peace and justice from what it is considered the last Africa´s colony people and specially in these days where the situation is very worried due to the brutal repression of the moroccan occupider army has brutally repressed the peaceful people in the main saharawi cities.
The Saharawi Women delegation in this important event was composed by Zahra Ramdán Ahmed, Soukeina N´Diaye (Gleiyilhum Buna), Zahra El-Hasnawi and Doctor Lehdia Dafa.
The International Congress on Islamic Feminism is an initiative of the Catalan Islamic Council (JIC). Through the conferences, the intent of the JIC has been to present Islamic Feminism (IF) as an emerging reality, with a strong intellectual development and a significant activism in pursuit of the rights of Muslim women. We have tried to maintain a balance between the theoretical and field experiences, including the development of a discourse generated in the academy, and ways to implement the propositions of IF in different contexts.
To date there have been three editions of the conference (Barcelona, 2005, 2006 and 2008), and the fourth is scheduled for 2010, in Madrid. More than 1300 participants have attended the conferences. The Congress has brought together some of the most prestigious and charismatic personalities of IF, as well as prominent organizations from the five continents. The media coverage of these conferences has helped to visualize IF as a emerging reality worldwide.

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