Thursday, November 26, 2009


The Women from the last Africa´s colony, Western sahara, conmemorated today, november 25th, the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. In this important date for all the world women´s movement, the saharawi women would like to express their total solidarity with all the women from all over the world who are victims of violence and condemn all kind of acts capable of causing physical, sexual orpsyshological harm, whether in public or private life.

In our society, we do not have such a shameful problem, we have never heared about that a saharawi man has or had assassinated his wife or his girl-friend, but the great problem that the Saharawi Women face in the foreing occupation due the invasion and occupation of the moroccan army since 34 years ago.
The Saharawi Women still suffering the violations of the most basic and fundamental rights in the occupated cities of Western Sahara, such El-Aaiún, Dakhla, Smara, Boudjdour etc. We demand the international community to implement the UN resolution and to solve this problem of decolonization,

We also want to express our total solidarity with the saharawi human rights activist, Aminetu Haidar, who is waging a hunger strike since ten days ago because she has been expelled by the occupider moroccan authorities on november 14th when she tried to return to her country and she was deported to canary island agains her will. We invite our friend to sign the petition in the international campaign launched by several organization for the releasse of the the saharawi human rights activists who are in moroccan prisons only because they peacefully fight for peace and justice in Western Sahara.

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