Tuesday, June 30, 2009


A high-level saharawi women delegation, led by the Secretary General, Fatma El-Mehdi, has participated in the Socialist Internacional Women´s Council Meeting held in the capital of the Republic of Montenegro, Petrovac, 26 and 27 June 2009 which main point in the agenda has been the discussion of "The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Women".
When the saharawi woman leader took the floor, she reaffirmed the will of the people of the last colony in the african continent to strenghten the ties among all the women´s organizations for continuing to struggle for a more peaceful and just world and also ask the participants in these event to help the saharawi people that is still living in refugee camps from the dangerous consequences of the global finantial crisis special in the women´s refugge population.
Mrs. El Mehdi also in her intervention informed about the last developments of the legitimate struggle of the saharawi people for peace and justice ask the representatives from the diffferent continents to demand their governments to stop the flagrant violations of human rights in the occupied cities of Western Sahara.
The saharawi women delegation had a lot of meetings with other delegations from the different continents and took the opportunity to inform them about the last development of the legitimate struggle of the saharawi people for freedom and national independence and the important role that are playing the saharawi women in this struggle and also has held important meetings with the main leaders of this international women´s organization like Mrs. Pía Locatelli who is the President of the Socialist International Women´s from Italy and Member of the European Parliament and Mrs. Marlènne Haas, S.I.W.´s Secretary General.
The National Union of Saharawi Women has always participated in the meeting of this important women´s organization because our national movement, POLISARIO Front, is a Observer Member of The Socialist International.
The Socialist International Women is the international organisation of the women's organisations of the socialist, social democratic and labour parties affiliated to the Socialist International. There are currently 156 member organisations from all parts of the world.
The aims and objectives of the Socialist International Women are:
to increase the participation of women in politics
to promote knowledge and understanding of gender equality
to campaign against gender inequality and discrimination of women in society
to work for peace, security and human rights
to strengthen relations between the member organisations
to extend relations between member organisations and other women's organisations of similar beliefs and values
The Socialist International Women is a non-governmental organisation with consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

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